May 1, 2024 at 12:00 a.m.

Do you know where in Washington this image was taken? 

If you do know the answer, you may win $100! 

Read the hints below for clues that will help you answer this question. 

HINT I: This "rainbow" bridge is located in a historic waterfront village in Northwest Washington's verdant Skagit County.

HINT II: This tiny town situated along the Swinomish Channel attracts tourist far and wide. It is known for boutiques, eateries and galleries. This town is the hub of Skagit Valley's annual Tulip Festival, along with neighboring Mount Vernon.

HINT III: This tiny town also boasts three museums, including a Quilt & Textile Museum, the Skagit County Historical Museum, and the Museum of Northwest Art, which celebrates contemporary Northwest art. This village is the perfect place to feature contemporary art, since some of Washington state’s most famous modern artists were from here... Morris Graves, Ken Callahan and Guy Anderson. These artists led an art movement known as the "Northwest School," which became known worldwide. 

The winner will be drawn at random from the correct answers sent to editor@northwestprimetime.com by May 27, 2024. If no correct answer is received, the $100 prize will transfer to the following contest.

NOTE: You must sign up for Northwest Prime Time's free monthly newsletter to participate in the contest. To sign up, simply email editor@northwestprimetime.com with "subscribe" in the subject line.


Congratulations to Barbara of Seattle. She is the winner of last month’s WHERE IN WASHINGTON contest, which featured photos of the Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center located in Discovery Park in Seattle's Magnolia district. 

The Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center is the headquarters of the United Indians of All Tribes Foundation, which offers services and programs to King County's urban Native community. The beautiful building was completed in 1977; it is open to the public and provides a hub of activities, including celebrations such as the annual Seattle Powwow. Daybreak Star houses a collection of Native art, rotating exhibits, and the Sacred Circle Gift Shop. 

Bernie Whitebear poses in front of the new Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center 


The history of Daybreak Star began in 1970 when a small group of Native Americans, led by Bernie Whitebear, occupied Fort Lawton -- which had been declared surplus by the US Department of Defense. The protesters worked to reclaim a land base for the urban Indians living in and around Seattle, since treaties had promised the reversion of surplus military lands to their original owners. The small band of peaceful protestors were confronted by armed military police. You can learn more, including interviews with the occupiers, by visiting the University of Washington's Seattle Civil Rights Project (https://depts.washington.edu/civilr/FtLawton_press.htm).  

HistoryLink.org, the free online encyclopedia of Washington state history, also offers an article about the founding of the Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center: Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center opens its doors on May 13, 1977. - HistoryLink.org 

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